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SURFACES Superbonus 110%

March 2022

Architecture: Superbonus 110% special

Laminam ceramics for external façades in the name of green building
Between novelties and confirmations, the Budget Law 2022 extends the incentive for energy efficiency and anti-seismic improvements in Italian homes.
A beautiful, comfortable and less energy-intensive home is possible and affordable.

Also thanks to Laminam surfaces applied as an external cladding.

It is called 110% Superbonus and it is the main suspect in the unprecedented proliferation of scaffolding, cranes and tarpaulins in Italian cities. Whole districts of work in progress remind us that the city layout is changeable and can be improved, if the premises allow.

In the case of Superbonus 110%, the premises are major tax deductions that make it a convenient time to renovate your home, with energy and architectural interventions, without neglecting aesthetics.

Superbonus 110%: what it is and who can benefit from it

A word and a concept from a couple of years ago, today everyone knows it as the progenitor of a series of “building bonuses” (such as the Ecobonus, the Renovation bonus or the façades bonus) that the Italian Government has decided to extend for the next two years.

Despite the fact that the relevant legislation changes exceptionally quickly, the “110%” is in fact an extraordinary opportunity for anyone wishing to renovate their home, because they will be able to do so potentially free of charge.

The bonus, in fact, basically consists of a 110% deduction on expenses incurred for specific interventions of energy-efficiency requalification (Ecobonus) and reduction of seismic risk (Sismabonus), distinguishing between driving and driven interventions.

But who can use it?

With time limitations that vary depending on the beneficiary, the Superbonus 110% involves both the individual building unit and the condominium. Instead, new buildings are excluded.

“The Superbonus 110% is an opportunity not to be missed because it allows buildings to be comprehensively renovated, for both seismic and finishing aspects.”

Giovanni Savorani, President of Confindustria Ceramica.

Invoice discount and transfer of credit

As said before, anyone who decides to undertake massive interventions involving – for example – the renovation of the external cladding of a building (external façades, thermal-insulation cladding, plaster) with the Superbonus 110% can do so potentially free of charge.

Thanks to the invoice discount option, the company (or companies) that carried out the works can apply a discount of up to 100% of the invoice value, without any burden for the beneficiary.

The company will thus receive a tax credit equal to 110% of the amount of the discount applied, to be used in equal annual instalments.

Let’s take an example: if the total value of the works is 10,000 € and the company decides to apply a discount of 100% of the invoice, the citizen will not have to pay anything for the works and the company will receive a credit of 11,000 €.

This is the famous “transfer of credit”, which is now regulated by the latest Decreto Sostegni-Ter [Support Decree 3], which limits the maximum number of possible transfers to three, but only under certain conditions.

This creates a virtuous mechanism, which benefits all parties involved: those who renovate their homes can do so in an affordable way, reducing the cost of  their utility bills (thanks to improved energy efficiency) and enhancing the value of their property, while the company can increase its turnover thanks to the increased volume of work.

Laminam and Superbonus: an investment in the home and the environment.

By virtue of the technical conditions and implementing decrees issued by the Government which, while periodically introducing new aspects to be taken into account, explain how to apply the legislation in specific cases, the Superbonus allows a new and stronger push for green building.

Among the fields of application, the 110% discount may also apply to renovation works on the external façade, provided that they are associated with an intervention that significantly increases the energy efficiency of the building. An example? The renovation of the external cladding by installing a ventilated façade in ceramics, combined with thermal insulation cladding.

Choosing the right materials and technologies – especially for enclosures – is a real checkmate here.

The art and technology of Italian ceramics come onto the stage and Laminam can make the difference in giving new eco-sustainability to your home.

  1. Cutting-edge technical performance and guaranteed warranty

Reduced thickness and large size are the centrepieces of a winning team, which makes Laminam slabs revolutionary and highly performing for applications on the external façades of buildings.

Sustainable and guaranteed for 25 years, our external cladding surfaces are characterised by high resistance to mechanical stress, wear, frost and UV radiation.

All the characteristics and colour properties of the slabs are unalterable and remain unchanged over time, in all weather conditions.

  1. Multi-system applicability

To the characteristics above, let’s point out a further main feature of Laminam slabs, which we can summarise in one word: versatility. If the external cladding systems identified by the Superbonus 110% for energy efficiency improvements are actually thermal insulation cladding, plaster or ventilated façade, Laminam ceramics satisfy all three, precisely because there are no limits to their application.

Thermal insulation cladding and cladding with Laminam ventilated façade

Thermal insulation cladding is one of the most effective ways of improving the energy performance of a building. It involves cladding the external walls with insulating panels, creating a real barrier that can reduce energy consumption by up to 50%. To complete the aesthetics, the insulating surface can be covered with Laminam 3+ and Laminam 5/5+ slabs, which also ensure low maintenance over time. These systems, specifically designed to receive large slabs, are characterised by higher levels of mechanical resistance than those sustained by traditional cladding systems that are not suitable for coating.

The ventilated façade cladding method, which creates a naturally ventilated gap between the insulating panel and the finish, guarantees a high level of living comfort, with even higher performance than conventional thermal insulation. It is an innovative system that not only limits heat loss and aids cooling in summer, but also eliminates excess humidity. The ventilated façade becomes a second skin for buildings, maximising their energy efficiency and making them extremely sustainable from an environmental point of view.
The installation of Laminam ceramic slabs, reinforced with a layer of fiberglass on the back, is facilitated by their reduced thickness, lightness and large size. This reduces transport requirements, logistics costs and operating times. Further advantages include easy application on site, the rich variety of aesthetic effects and sizes, as well as the strength and durability of the slabs.
At present, its construction is included both among the interventions that benefit from the Façade Bonus and among the interventions of thermal insulation of the external envelopes, provided for in the Superbonus 110%.

Last but not least, Laminam slabs can be bonded directly onto a plastered external envelope.

Ease of processing and technical assistance at all stages of the project

Thanks to their exceptional ductility, all installers are able to process Laminam slabs on façades and still benefit from a service that is always available. The company’s technical department is always at their side through the executive phase of the project, right up to the completion of the work and delivery to the customer.
Similarly, a team of young engineers with international experience can support the customer with engineering consultancy services, aimed at identifying the most suitable and efficient system to guarantee the required façade performance.

We also offer our product knowledge and expertise to architects and designers to develop the ideal solution in line with the defined budget and in full respect of the designer’s architectural style.

Are you interested in taking advantage of the Superbonus 110% and would like to receive more information about our support? Click here to request a free technical consultation.

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